Pionnière du mouvement
de la transition au Luxembourg
CELL est un mouvement éco-citoyen dont la mission est d’imaginer et de mettre en place des solutions concrètes face à la crise climatique et aux enjeux sociétaux qui en découlent. Depuis sa création en 2010, CELL crée et accompagne des projets de transition écologique et sociale au niveau local ou territorial comme des jardins communautaires, des tiers-lieux, des Repair Cafés ou encore, des coopératives énergétiques.
A pioneer of the transition movement in Luxembourg, CELL has been running and supporting ecological and social transition projects since 2011, with a view to building a society that is more respectful of the living world. CELL manages around ten projects and supports local transition initiatives such as community gardens, Repair Cafés, third places and energy cooperatives.
A pioneer of the transition movement in Luxembourg, CELL has been running and supporting ecological and social transition projects since 2011, with a view to building a society that is more respectful of the living world. CELL manages around ten projects and supports local transition initiatives such as community gardens, Repair Cafés, third places and energy cooperatives.
A pioneer of the transition movement in Luxembourg, CELL has been running and supporting ecological and social transition projects since 2011, with a view to building a society that is more respectful of the living world. CELL manages around ten projects and supports local transition initiatives such as community gardens, Repair Cafés, third places and energy cooperatives.
Pionnière du mouvement de la transition au Luxembourg, CELL mène et accompagne depuis 2011 des projets de transition écologique et sociale en vue de bâtir une société plus respectueuse du Vivant. CELL gère une dizaine de projets et accompagne des initiatives locales de transition, comme des jardins communautaires, des Repair Café, des tiers-lieux ou encore, des coopératives énergétiques.