You are curious about what a circle of women could be like but sniffing incense, juggling with geisha balls, or dancing naked in the forest doesn’t appeal to you?
You’re doing okay, but… you’re exhausted, you don’t feel very alive.
You do everything right, but… nothing really works the way you want.
You’d like a bit more pleasure in your life, but… damn, I don’t even know what really pleases me!
And then… how do others always manage to be so well?
If all of this resonates with you… well, come on, it’s for you!
This event is hosted by
Cloe Beaumer (www.cloebeaumer.com)
and Stella Bodywork (www.stellabodywork.com)
Thursday 28.03.2024
Time: 19:00-21:00
Investment: 50€
Book your spot: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7fhfRSveVs3PV2KTVHVyTbLpPsnqq4VaU_jdFvjNKbfrMYQ/viewform